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Baizhu Healing Bonus vs HP (Healing Comparison) || Genshin Impact
60K HP vs 100% Healing bonus !! Best Build For F2P Baizhu ?? [ Genshin Impact ]
Who is BEST healer ?? BAIZHU Healing Comparison [ Genshin Impact ]
HP vs HEALING BONUS! What's Better? (Genshin Impact)
Baizhu vs Kokomi !! Who is Best F2P Healer ??[ Genshin Impact ]
Comparing Baizhu healing
C0 Crowned Kokomi vs C0 Crowned Baizhu Same HP Healing Comparisons! Who’s D’ Best & Superior Healer?
the truth comparison healing bonus and hp in genshin impact
Who is BEST healer ?? SIGEWINNE Healing Comparison [ Genshin Impact ]
Make Baizhu's Healing BUSTED!
How Much Does A 50K Hp Baizhu Heal? || Genshin Impact
Kokomi Full HP build VS Healing bonus - Heal potential - Genshin impact